In application source files include: #include "eyebot.h"
Compile application to include RoBIOS library: $gccarm myfile.c -o myfile.o
int LCDPrintf(const char *format, ...); // Print string and arguments on LCD int LCDSetPrintf(int row, int column, const char *format, ...); // Printf from given position int LCDClear(void); // Clear the LCD display and display buffers int LCDSetPos(int row, int column); // Set cursor position in pixels for subsequent printf int LCDGetPos(int *row, int *column); // Read current cursor position int LCDSetColor(COLOR fg, COLOR bg); // Set color for subsequent printf int LCDSetFont(int font, int variation); // Set font for subsequent print operation int LCDSetFontSize(int fontsize); // Set font-size (7..18) for subsequent print operation int LCDSetMode(int mode); // Set LCD Mode (0=default)
int LCDMenu(char *st1, char *st2, char *st3, char *st4); // Set menu entries for soft buttons int LCDMenuI(int pos, char *string, COLOR fg, COLOR bg); // Set menu for i-th entry with color [1..4]
int LCDGetSize(int *x, int *y); // Get LCD resolution in pixels int LCDPixel(int x, int y, COLOR col); // Set one pixel on LCD COLOR LCDGetPixel (int x, int y); // Read pixel value from LCD int LCDLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLOR col); // Draw line int LCDArea(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLOR col, int fill); // Draw filled/hollow rectangle int LCDCircle(int x1, int y1, int size, COLOR col, int fill); // Draw filled/hollow circle int LCDImageSize(int t); // Define image type for LCD (default QVGA; 0,0; full) int LCDImageStart(int x, int y, int xs, int ys); // Define image start position and size (default 0,0; max_x, max_y) int LCDImage(BYTE *img); // Print color image at screen start pos. and size int LCDImageGray(BYTE *g); // Print gray image [0..255] black..white int LCDImageBinary(BYTE *b); // Print binary image [0..1] int LCDRefresh(void); // Refresh LCD output
int KEYGet(void); // Blocking read (and wait) for key press (returns KEY1..KEY4) int KEYRead(void); // Non-blocking read of key press (returns NOKEY=0 if no key) int KEYWait(int key); // Wait until specified key has been pressed (use ANYKEY for any key) int KEYGetXY (int *x, int *y); // Blocking read for touch at any position, returns coordinates int KEYReadXY(int *x, int *y); // Non-blocking read for touch at any position, returns coordinates
Key Constants: KEY1..KEY4, ANYKEY, NOKEY
int CAMInit(int resolution); // Change camera resolution (will also set IP resolution) int CAMRelease(void); // Stops camera stream int CAMGet(BYTE *buf); // Read one color camera image int CAMGetGray(BYTE *buf); // Read gray scale camera imageFor the following functions, the Python API differs as in examples:
img = CAMGet() gray = CAMGetGray()
Resolution Settings: QQVGA(160x120), QVGA(320x240), VGA(640x480), CAM1MP(1296x730), CAMHD(1920x1080), CAM5MP(2592x1944), CUSTOM (LCD only) Variables CAMWIDTH, CAMHEIGHT, CAMPIXELS (=width*height) and CAMSIZE (=3*CAMPIXELS) will be automatically set, (BYTE is data type "unsigned char"). Constant sizes in bytes for color images and number of pixels: QQVGA_SIZE, QVGA_SIZE, VGA_SIZE, CAM1MP_SIZE, CAMHD_SIZE, CAM5MP_SIZE QQVGA_PIXELS, QVGA_PIXELS, VGA_PIXELS, CAM1MP_PIXELS, CAMHD_PIXELS, CAM5MP_PIXELS Data Types: typedef QQVGAcol BYTE [120][160][3]; typedef QQVGAgray BYTE [120][160]; typedef QVGAcol BYTE [240][320][3]; typedef QVGAgray BYTE [240][320]; typedef VGAcol BYTE [480][640][3]; typedef VGAgray BYTE [480][640]; typedef CAM1MPcol BYTE [730][1296][3]; typedef CAM1MPgray BYTE [730][1296]; typedef CAMHDcol BYTE[1080][1920][3]; typedef CAMHDgray BYTE[1080][1920]; typedef CAM5MPcol BYTE[1944][2592][3]; typedef CAM5MPgray BYTE[1944][2592];
int IPSetSize(int resolution); // Set IP resolution using CAM constants (also automatically set by CAMInit) int IPReadFile(char *filename, BYTE* img); // Read PNM file, fill/crop if req.; return 3:color, 2:gray, 1:b/w, -1:error int IPWriteFile(char *filename, BYTE* img); // Write color PNM file int IPWriteFileGray(char *filename, BYTE* gray); // Write gray scale PGM file
void IPLaplace(BYTE* grayIn, BYTE* grayOut); // Laplace edge detection on gray image void IPSobel(BYTE* grayIn, BYTE* grayOut); // Sobel edge detection on gray image void IPCol2Gray(BYTE* imgIn, BYTE* grayOut); // Transfer color to gray void IPGray2Col(BYTE* imgIn, BYTE* colOut); // Transfer gray to color void IPRGB2Col (BYTE* r, BYTE* g, BYTE* b, BYTE* imgOut); // Transform 3*gray to color void IPCol2HSI (BYTE* img, BYTE* h, BYTE* s, BYTE* i); // Transform RGB image to HSI void IPOverlay(BYTE* c1, BYTE* c2, BYTE* cOut); // Overlay c2 onto c1, all color images void IPOverlayGray(BYTE* g1, BYTE* g2, COLOR col, BYTE* cOut); // Overlay gray image g2 onto g1, using col
COLOR IPPRGB2Col(BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b); // PIXEL: RGB to color void IPPCol2RGB(COLOR col, BYTE* r, BYTE* g, BYTE* b); // PIXEL: color to RGB void IPPCol2HSI(COLOR c, BYTE* h, BYTE* s, BYTE* i); // PIXEL: RGB to HSI for pixel BYTE IPPRGB2Hue(BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b); // PIXEL: Convert RGB to hue (0 for gray values) void IPPRGB2HSI(BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b, BYTE* h, BYTE* s, BYTE* i); // PIXEL: Convert RGB to hue, sat, int; hue=0 for gray valuesFor the following functions, the Python API differs as in examples:
edge = IPLaplace (gray_img) edge = IPSobel (gray_img) gray = IPCol2Gray(col_img) col = IPGray2Col(gray_img) [h_gray, s_gray, i_gray] = IPCol2HSI(col_img) col = IPOverlay (col_source, col_overlay) col = IPOverlayGray(gray_source, gray_overlay, col_value)
char * OSExecute(char* command); // Execute Linux program in background int OSVersion(char* buf); // RoBIOS Version int OSVersionIO(char* buf); // RoBIOS-IO Board Version int OSMachineSpeed(void); // Speed in MHz int OSMachineType(void); // Machine type int OSMachineName(char* buf); // Machine name int OSMachineID(void); // Machine ID derived from MAC address
int OSWait(int n); // Wait for n/1000 sec TIMER OSAttachTimer(int scale, void (*fct)(void)); // Add fct to 1000Hz/scale timer int OSDetachTimer(TIMER t); // Remove fct from 1000Hz/scale timer
int OSGetTime(int *hrs,int *mins,int *secs,int *ticks); // Get system time (ticks in 1/1000 sec) int OSGetCount(void); // Count in 1/1000 sec since system start
int SERInit(int interface, int baud,int handshake); // Init communication (see parameters below), interface number as in HDT file int SERSendChar(int interface, char ch); // Send single character int SERSend(int interface, char *buf); // Send string (Null terminated) char SERReceiveChar(int interface); // Receive single character int SERReceive(int interface, char *buf, int size); // Receive String (Null terminated), returns number of chars received int SERFlush(int interface); // Flush interface buffers int SERClose(int interface); // Close Interface
Communication Parameters: Baudrate: 50 .. 230400 Handshake: NONE, RTSCTS Interface: 0 (serial port), 1..20 (USB devices, names are assigned via HDT entries)
int AUBeep(void); // Play beep sound int AUPlay(char* filename); // Play audio sample in background (mp3 or wave) int AUDone(void); // Check if AUPlay has finished int AUMicrophone(void); // Return microphone A-to-D sample value
Use Analog data functions to record microphone sounds (channel 8).
int PSDGet(int psd); // Read distance value in mm from PSD sensor [1..6] int PSDGetRaw(int psd); // Read raw value from PSD sensor [1..6] int LIDARGet(int distance[]); // Measure distances in [mm]; default 360° and 360 points int LIDARSet(int range, int tilt, int points); // range [1..360°], tilt angle down, number of points
PSD Constants: PSD_FRONT, PSD_LEFT, PSD_RIGHT, PSD_BACK assuming PSD sensors in these directions are connected to ports 1, 2, 3, 4. LIDAR Constants: LIDAR_POINTS Total number of points returned LIDAR_RANGE Angular range covered, e.g. 180°
int SERVOSet(int servo, int angle); // Set servo [1..14] position to [1..255] or power down (0) int SERVOSetRaw (int servo, int angle); // Set servo [1..14] position bypassing HDT int SERVORange(int servo, int low, int high); // Set servo [1..14] limits in 1/100 sec
int MOTORDrive(int motor, int speed); // Set motor [1..4] speed in percent [-100 ..+100] int MOTORDriveRaw(int motor, int speed); // Set motor [1..4] speed bypassing HDT int MOTORPID(int motor, int p, int i, int d); // Set motor [1..4] PID controller values [1..255] int MOTORPIDOff(int motor); // Stop PID control loop int MOTORSpeed(int motor, int ticks); // Set controlled motor speed in ticks/100 sec
int ENCODERRead(int quad); // Read quadrature encoder [1..4] int ENCODERReset(int quad); // Set encoder value to 0 [1..4]
int VWSetSpeed(int linSpeed, int angSpeed); // Set fixed linSpeed [mm/s] and [degrees/s] int VWGetSpeed(int *linSspeed, int *angSpeed); // Read current speeds [mm/s] and [degrees/s] int VWSetPosition(int x, int y, int phi); // Set robot position to x, y [mm], phi [degrees] int VWGetPosition(int *x, int *y, int *phi); // Get robot position as x, y [mm], phi [degrees]
int VWStraight(int dist, int lin_speed); // Drive straight, dist [mm], lin. speed [mm/s] int VWTurn(int angle, int ang_speed); // Turn on spot, angle [degrees], ang. speed [degrees/s] int VWCurve(int dist, int angle, int lin_speed);// Drive Curve, dist [mm], angle (orientation change) [degrees], lin. speed [mm/s] int VWDrive(int dx, int dy, int lin_speed); // Drive x[mm] straight and y[mm] left, x>|y| int VWRemain(void); // Return remaining drive distance in [mm] int VWDone(void); // Non-blocking check whether drive is finished (1) or not (0) int VWWait(void); // Suspend current thread until drive operation has finished int VWStalled(void); // Returns number of stalled motor [1..2], 3 if both stalled, 0 if none
All VW functions return 0 if OK and 1 if error (e.g. destination unreachable)For the following functions, the Python API differs as in examples:
[v,w] = VWGetSpeed() [x,y,p] = VWGetPosition()
int DIGITALSetup(int io, char direction); // Set IO line [1..16] to i-n/o-ut/I-n pull-up/J-n pull-down int DIGITALRead(int io); // Read and return individual input line [1..16] int DIGITALReadAll(void); // Read and return all 16 io lines int DIGITALWrite(int io, int state); // Write individual output [1..16] to 0 or 1
int ANALOGRead(int channel); // Read analog channel [1..8] int ANALOGVoltage(void); // Read analog supply voltage in [0.01 Volt] int ANALOGRecord(int channel, int iterations); // Record analog data (e.g. 8 for microphone) at 1kHz (non-blocking) int ANALOGTransfer(BYTE* buffer); // Transfer previously recorded data; returns number of bytes
Default for digital lines: [1..8] are input with pull-up, [9..16] are output Default for analog lines: [0..8] with 0: supply-voltage and 8: microphone IO settings are: i: input, o: output, I: input with pull-up res., J: input with pull-down res.
int IRTVGet(void); // Blocking read of IRTV command int IRTVRead(void); // Non-blocking read, return 0 if nothing int IRTVFlush(void); // Empty IRTV buffers int IRTVGetStatus(void); // Checks to see if IRTV is activated (1) or off (0)
int RADIOInit(void); // Start radio communication int RADIOGetID(void); // Get own radio ID int RADIOSend(int id, char* buf); // Send string (Null terminated) to ID destination int RADIOReceive(int *id_no, char* buf, int size); // Wait for message, then fill in sender ID and data, returns number of chars received int RADIOCheck(void); // Check if message is waiting: 0 or 1 (non-blocking); -1 if error int RADIOStatus(int IDlist[]); // Returns number of robots (incl. self) and list of IDs in network int RADIORelease(void); // Terminate radio communication
ID numbers match last byte of robots' IP addresses.For the following functions, the Python API differs as in examples:
[partnerid, buf] = RADIOReceive() # max 1024 Bytes [total, ids] = RADIOStatus() # max 256 entries
void SIMGetRobot (int id, int *x, int *y, int *z, int *phi); void SIMSetRobot (int id, int x, int y, int z, int phi); void SIMGetObject(int id, int *x, int *y, int *z, int *phi); void SIMSetObject(int id, int x, int y, int z, int phi); int SIMGetRobotCount() int SIMGetObjectCount()
id=0 means own robot; id numbers run from 1..nFor the following functions, the Python API differs as in examples:
[x,y,z,p] = SIMGetRobot(id) [x,y,z,p] = SIMGetObject(id)